APE or Heat Flow
  KE or Momentum Flow
1. Latitudinal distribution of radiative heating & cooling (especially when a P average is taken) has excess heating in tropics, deficit at high latitudes.
  1. Westerly momentum is introduced in the tropics (i.e. an "excess") and is removed by friction in mid lats. (a "deficit") Recall O&P 1983 fig. 13 or fig. 4.6
2. Result of item 1. is a poleward heat flux (fig. 3.9) which includes v*theta as well as vLq.
  2. Result of item 1. is a poleward flux of angular momentum (fig. 4.12) and of KE (see O&P 1983 fig. 36)
3. In middle latitudes: eddies are the main mechanism for heat transport, all else is seondary.
  3. In middle latitudes: eddies are the main process for momentum transport, all else is seondary.
4. The CA and CE conversions show us that the v'theta' and W'theta' fluxes are how eddies gain energy (fig 4.30) v'Lq' may also be an energy source. (p. 133) for eddies.
  4. Eddy momentum fluxes also provide sources & sinks of eddy momentum (or eddy kinetic energy from CK conversion). Since global average CK>0 eddies must loose KE to the mean flow in the net.
5. The net radiation being >0 causes the heat flux to increase with latitude in the subtropics (Compare figs 3.8c, 3.9) (More and more heat must be transported poleward to maintain quasi-steady T.)
  5. The flux of [KE] keeps increasing with latitude in subtropics where CK > 0. (See O&P 1983 fig. 36 and text's fig. 4.32) (More and more momentum must be transported poleward to maintain quasi-steady [KE].)
6. Eddy heat flux is DOWN the T gradient.
  6. Eddy momentum flux is UP the gradient of [u]/R in subtropics.
7. The heat flux is a maximum where net radiation is zero (no more heat is added to that already coming from lower latitudes so that which must be transported poleward is a maximum there.)
  7. The flux of [KE] reaches a maximum where CK=0. (no additional [KE] is being created by the CK conversion, so no more KE must be added to the KE that is already being transported poleward)
8. Poleward of the heat flux maximum there is cooling by net radiation
  8. Poleward of that (angular velocity) jetstream maximum the eddies remove energy from [KE] in the net.