Study Guide (lecture #1)
1. course admin matters
2. what is the gen circ? (some defs)
3. what properties must it have? (balances & physical constraints)
4. imagining what circs might work
Jargon: geostrophic balance, hypsometric equation, zonal mean, eddies;
stationary pattern, transient, Hadley cell, Ferrel cell, baroclinic
Chapter 1:
Introductory questions: What is, What causes the
general circulation?
Note: a better definition than in the book would be:
"All those
atmospheric processes sufficient to provide an explanation for observed
large scale ( >1000 km) circulations that persist for a season or
Balances & Physical Reasoning
- radiation & temperature (T)
- (essentially) no net heating (over a year)
- local variations (e.g. tropics absorb more solar radiation
than polar latitudes) lead to T gradients
- T gradient implies meridional heat transport (if so, then
atmosphere generally not in pure radiative balance)
- need some T gradient to drive motions
- pressure & geopotential (Z)
- from hypsometric eqn: thickness greater in tropics than poles
- 1000 mb geopotential has less variation than 500 mb (say)
- these imply meridional Z gradient that increases with elevation
- winds
- from geostrophy: Z gradient implies westerly winds
- Z gradient increasing with elevation means westerlies do too
(thermal wind balance)
- meridional winds are needed for heat transport
- but meridional winds generate westerly acceleration/deceleration
if conserving (even approximately) angular momentum
- mass balance
- meridional motions must have equal mass transport N as
well as S
- no net mass build up means (annual average, say) surface P
is constant
- mass balance for water is separate issue (it can be
added & removed from atmosphere)
- surface torques
- must have easterly torque applied to earth (surface
easterlies) to balance surface westerlies
Anticipating the circulation from 8 constraints: (some physical,
two empirical)
Can we anticipate what the general circulation might be?
- Doing so guides interpretation of data to be seen in
this course.
- From the discussion above and some additional information we
conclude that the circulation should satisfy several (8) constraints
Hypothetical "Candidate" circulations:
- must transport heat poleward
- must conserve mass
- have westerlies, especially in middle latitudes
- have westerly vertical shear, especially in middle latitudes
- have meridional motions generate westerly accelerations
(ang.momentum cons.)
- have equal (torques from) surface easterlies and westerlies
- incorporate baroclinic eddies
if the vertical shear is "strong enough"
- have tropical and midlatitude maxima in precipitation (vertical
Various Examples can be proposed.
- - most simple circulations can be excluded;
- - not just "any" flow would work
- - Hadley type circulation (with modifications) can work in
tropics (at other latitudes u becomes too fast)
- - Eddies work in midlatitudes (matching these to the
Hadley cell is challenging but revealing)