Study Guide (lecture # 16)
Book pages: 177-204, 210-217
(lecture # 15)
- zonal variations observed in: Radiation, T, V
- Sections: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,,
Today's topics:
- zonal variations of: P, moisture, momentum flux, heat flux, storm tracks,
Asian monsoon
- Sections: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.9 (skip 5.8)
band pass filter, “semi-permanent” highs & lows;
South Pacific Convergence Zone;
North Pacific Cloud Band; Life cycle (of frontal cyclone);
Asian summer monsoon; “Walker” circulation
Non Zonal Fields:
(Chapter 5, conclusion)
- Organize interpretation around these regions that keep being mentioned:
- near the east coasts of continents (land/sea contrast)
- near subtropical west coasts (land/sea contrast) (includes deserts)
- tropical land masses (land/sea contrast)
- major mountainous areas
- along midlatitude frontal cyclone tracks (differs from 1. in S. Hemisphere)
- Pressure (chapter 5.4)
- at surface: H & L over land/sea & the seasonal change;
- subtropical Highs and Hadley cell; ICZ & lowest pressure --> strongest convection;
- "semi-permanent" (subtropical) highs and (high latitude) lows.
- at upper levels: show time mean long waves -> related to T via thickness; (Region 1)
- time variance map: proxy for storm track. (Region 5)
- larger on east side of long wave trough
- broader zonal extent in SH: from S. Atlantic to Australia
- Moisture (chapter 5.5)
- time mean cloud distribution: ICZ snapshot vs time average;
- relative max in clouds along ICZ with strong preference for land (Region 3)
- persistent clouds in the eastern subtropical oceans (Region 2)
- double max in January: Amazonia & Indian ocean vs other areas.
- rather uniform bands of clouds in midlatitudes along to storm tracks
- subtropical cloudbands: SPCZ, NPCB, also Atlantic; more prominent in January.
- cloud amount by cloud top; Region 3 (high), region 2 (low), regions 1 & 5 (middle)
- water mass (specific humidity):
- strong decrease with latitude
- moisture convergence over tropical lands (Region 1)
- precipitation: has small scale;
- compare to zonal mean (triple max);
- like clouds, enhanced over tropical land masses (Region 1)
- west side of continents: dry in subtropics (Region 2), wet poleward (east end of region 5)
- Momentum Flux (chapter 5.6)
- transient and stationary waves comparable peak values in NH
- transient eddiss tilts:
- varies as eddy traverses the long wave (Region 1)
- NH: poleward then equatorward along the track (Region 5)
- NH: creates momentum convergence (just poleward of jet) which is
KE to KZ energy conversion
- SH: no stationary long waves so flux poleward at most longitudes
(required for [M] balance)
- Heat Flux (chapter 5.7)
- meridional flux: down gradient of T for transient eddies: implies
AZ to AE (middle of Region 5)
- dipole pattern for steady eddies (east end of Region 5)
- vertical flux: locations similar as transient eddy meridional flux
- recall from QG theory: related to AE
to KE conversion.
- tends to be positive most places
- Storm Tracks and "Life cycles" (chapter 5.8)
- preferred development regions (3 categories of regions)
- WBC's (Region 1);
- east coasts of N. America and Asia (2 places)
- other areas of large SST.gradients (i.e. S.W. Indian Ocean)
- areas of S.H. roughly lined up along dot-dashed line in
fig. 5.19c (5 places)
- lee side of major mountain ranges (region 4);
- downstream of
Rockies and Alps (2 places)
- typical tracks: Highs move equatorward, Lows poleward; as each moves east
- N. Atlantic track has greater poleward direction than N. Pacific track
(on long term average)
- decay regions: Antarctic coast (SH); "semipermanent" lows (NH)
- JJA Asian monsoon momentum issues: (chapter 5.10)
- tropical easterly jet where upper Hadley circulation is equatorward (Arabian sea)
- ‘Walker’ circulation implies mid-ocean upper level troughs
- mid-ocean troughs transport M to compensate for weak Hadley cell in summer