Study Guide (lecture # 16)

Book pages: 177-204, 210-217


(lecture # 15)

Today's topics:


band pass filter, “semi-permanent” highs & lows; South Pacific Convergence Zone; North Pacific Cloud Band; Life cycle (of frontal cyclone); Asian summer monsoon; “Walker” circulation


Non Zonal Fields:

(Chapter 5, conclusion)

- Organize interpretation around these regions that keep being mentioned:

  1. near the east coasts of continents (land/sea contrast)
  2. near subtropical west coasts (land/sea contrast) (includes deserts)
  3. tropical land masses (land/sea contrast)
  4. major mountainous areas
  5. along midlatitude frontal cyclone tracks (differs from 1. in S. Hemisphere)

- Pressure (chapter 5.4)
- Moisture (chapter 5.5)
- Momentum Flux (chapter 5.6)
- Heat Flux (chapter 5.7)
- Storm Tracks and "Life cycles" (chapter 5.8)
- JJA Asian monsoon momentum issues: (chapter 5.10)