Study Guide (lecture #2)
Book Pages: 39-45, 218-220, *
* supplementary basic radiation formulae.
Review: (lecture #1)
- various balances & properties were listed.
- these items narrow the scope of possible circulations
Today's topics:
- - land/sea dist.
- - radiation
- - energy balance model
Chapter 3: (3.1)
Jargon: radiance, irradiance, blackbody, albedo,
Hemispheric differences in land & sea areas
Basic Radiation Equations:
- Planck's law
- Wien's law
- Kirchoff's law
- Stefan-Boltzmann law
short wave (solar) vs long wave (terrestrial) radiation
- observed global average distribution
- why is the sky blue?
Global radiative and heat energy balance (fig 3.4)
- short wave and longwave redistributions of energy
- surface emission exceeds shortwave input: "greenhouse" effect
- "net" surface emission (21 units) versus actual emission (116 units)
- how figure differs from more recent studies (e.g. Kiehl &
Trenberth, 1997)
Energy balance models:
- -conceptual (ball & table)
- -no surface fluxes (1-layer "glass" atmosphere)
-- handout, more next time