Study Guide (lecture # 9)
Book pages: 96-111
(lecture #8 )
- maintenance against friction (Chapter 6.2.2)
Today's topics:
- momentum balance (viewed as a KE tendency problem)
(start Chapter 4.2)
kinetic energy, flux form (of equation), energy
conversions, "negative viscosity"
Component K.E. equations:
(Section 4.2 )
Component K.E. equations
- increments on a sphere: dx = r cos(phi) d lambda, dy = r d phi
- definitions
- flux form of advection terms
- group terms by 4 physical processes (3 are considered in concert
w/ APE)
- what are they; where do they come from; why are they so-named?
- u'v' is a northward flux of zonal momentum (not other way around)
- where is the mountain torque?
Consider friction term