Pests on Greenhouse and Nursery plants

Information here comes from UC Pest Management Guidelines on the web: Guidelines for Agricultural Crops. It comes from the UC Integrated Pest Management Project, where you can get first-class, virtually up-to-date, information on pest management information (something you'll find nowhere else).

Picture of insect pest Description Damage
Green Peach aphid Aphids

Green peach aphid: Myzus persicae and others

Feed by sucking sap from leaves, buds; result in distorted tissues; Secretion of honeydew leads to sooty mold

Aphids on roses
. Fungus gnat

Damage is caused by larvae feeding on roots, bulbs and other fleshy plant tissue

. Shore fly

Not a particularly important pest (merely a nuisance) but is frequently confused for fungus gnats

Siverleaf whitefly Whiteflies:

Silverleaf whitefly: Bemisia argentifolii; Greenhouse whitefly: Trialeurodes vaporariorum

Leaf miner Leafminers

Serpentine leaf miner: Liriomyza trifolii; chrysanthemum leaf miner: Phytomyza atricornis

Larval stage tunnels in leaves making them unsightly

Western flower thrips Thrips

Western flower thrips: Frankliniella occidentalis and others.

mealybug Mealybugs

mealybug damage
scale Scale

scale and sooty mold
. caterpillars or worms .
MITES (are not insects):
Spider mite


Two-spotted spider mite (a.k.a. red spider): Tetranychus urticae; Cyclamen mite: Steneotarsonemus pallidus

Very small, virtually impossible to see. They suck sap - cause chlorotic stippling. Cover underside of leaves, appearing as sandy cover, eventually killing leaf. Spin silk

Spider mite damage

spider mites spider mite damage