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Last update: 18 February 1999.
Welcome to my page devoted to our twins (after their birth).
For an enormous (500 kb) studio portrait of the girls, click on
its thumbnail below. (Don't say I didn't warn you about the size!)
Each year I've prepared a custom calendar with a collage of
the more interesting shots from the prior calendar year. I've
placed the enormous files here:
From 1997:
342 kb
From 1998:
361 kb
Image fun is a page which magnifies a portion of the image that the mouse sits over. You do NOT hold down a mouse key. It takes a little while for the images to load and the magnifier to respond, so be patient and enjoy! Let me know if you want to see other images this way.
I'm placing the news in reverse chronological order to make it easier to spot, especially since I rarely have time to update this page. I put all the pictures prior to the birth on a separate page (see above) to give our readers faster loading.
******************* 18 February updates *****************
Some news:
Karen continues to say many words, and has quite
good elocution. She can imitate sounds quite well
on the first try.
The biggest concern we have recently is
that some nights she will wake up (always within 5 minutes
of 2:50 am) and scream and flail inconsolably. While the
timing, about 5 1/2 hours after she falls asleep is not
quite consistent, everything else is consistent with
what is called "night terrors" or "sleep terrors". She
is actually asleep when this happens (it has happened a half
dozen times now). She will not quiet down until she finally
wakes herself up (after 10-15 minutes of screaming for
mommy and daddy, etc.) The inability to help, the lateness
of the hour, these make the situation difficult for us
to handle.
Anna is finally starting to say a few words. Her
pronounciation is so terrible as to make most words unrecognizable.
For example "doll" is "duh", "door" is "duhr", etc.
However, the words she has said longest are well done
("mom-mee" and "dad-dee"). Sometimes she surprises, yesterday
she said "saucer" properly on the first try.
One of Anna's new skills is to sense when she is about
to poop. Unfortunately, she has the
less than charming habit of pushing her diaper down just
a second or two before doing the poop. This does not make
our life easier....
Here are some pictures of the girls taken at a local photo studio...
******************* 11 February updates *****************
Some news:
Sorry it has taken so long to update this page! Since there
are already a lot of pictures here, I have created another
page with miscellaneous shots. These include: Christmas photos
with "santa", bedtime rituals, meal disasters, etc. There
are even a few of me. So, go to the link below!
Karen says lots and lots of words. We stopped counting
after two dozen. Her favorite sounds to vocalize end in
a "hard K" (like the start of her name) Examples include:
book, sock, duck, clock, and milk. (Each enunciated as if
having 2 distinct syllables.) She also likes "i" words such as:
eye, bye, and hi. She also has learned to say "poop-ie,
poop-ie" and pat between her legs. She may be becoming
aware of bowel movements, or, she has found that she gets
attention that way. (Both girls favor undressing, completely,
as a scheme to get attention.)
Anna is starting to use a few words, like: eye (as she
pokes you or herself in the eye), up (as in pick me up --
which she learnt from her sister).
Writing of speaking... We find ourselves saying these
things a lot:
"Leave your ___ ON!" (shoes, socks, clothes, diaper!)
"Thank you, but mommy doesn't need a pacifier."
"No...YOU eat that!"
"Karen, we don't chew on books"
"Anna, don't climb on the ___ " (TV, Dresser, Table, child-gate, etc.)
"You have a poop-ie?"
"I can't carry you around, I have to do things... OK?...
Alright, just for a little while..."
"Its time for a joy ride!"
"That's your sister's"
"Karen, come here. Karen, come here! Karen! come HERE! (etc.)"
******************* 2 November updates *****************
Some news:
I and the physical therapist had noticed that occasionally
Karen seemed to stare zombie-like for a period of a few minutes.
It was possible that she just felt like ignoring her surroundings,
but it might also be a petit mal. To investigate,
we had a test performed.
On 3 November we took Karen into Sacramento
for an EEG. This involved sticking 24 electrodes to her head
and chest. We were instructed to deprive her of sleep so that
she would more easily submit to this procedure. Needless to say,
a major tantrum was precipitated. It took almost half an hour
to stick them all on. Karen would keep trying to pull them off,
Perhaps it was exhaustion, perhaps it was the ether used
to dry the electrode glue.
Eventually she fell asleep and the test was successfully run.
A week later we spoke with the pediatric neurologist who
said that Karen's EEG was normal.
          I have intended to post recent pictures for some time. I finally got a few scanned in from the past 6 months. Since this page is getting a bit long, I have created a separate web page with those pictures (thumbnails) displayed.
******************* 2 November updates *****************
What follows are not poems. I am not trying to write some kind of "cute" prose either. I just felt like writing in a different style. Here are two samples of life with "the girls" at 18 months.
Anna will not wear clothes.
Autumn is here and winter is coming. But,
Anna will not wear clothes.
A bad case of diaper rash. But,
That was 2 weeks ago. Still:
Anna will not wear clothes.
The diaper goes on, the diaper comes off.
We put it on backwards, But
Anna is very smart, the diaper comes off.
When the clothes get too close, (say, within 2 feet)
Her 2 little feet thrash, her back it does arch,
The clothes are kicked off, to lie in a heap.
Anna will not wear clothes.
Two adults, both with graduate degrees,
Cajole, bribe, struggle mightily, and still
Anna will not wear clothes.
Alas, distracted or overpowered, Anna gives in
Anna is wearing her clothes... but
She is also wearing a square mouth!
What is a "square mouth" you ask? This is Anna in a full-blown cry. Corners of the mouth pulled down so her open mouth forms a square. Tongue flat but quivering rapidly. A bold, sound emitted for all to hear: "I am not happy!" Oh well. Welcome to my morning rituals.
No, that is not a typo.
Yes, Star Trek fans have their Klingons.
We, have a Karen who clings on.
She is really quite sweet, it is so hard to resist.
She picks up a book and follows you around.
She grasps your leg like a tourniquet.
It is the age when babies want you to hold them.
Yes, I love to hold you. But,
I have to eat supper (or breakfast) and
for that I need at least one free hand.
She collapses to the floor in melodramatic tantrum.
Her screams directed into the carpet.
Are you hurt? I pick her up,
Like switching off a light, suddenly she is happy!
I feel guilty. (It is working!)
I have to go to work...
She collapses to the floor in melodramatic tantrum...
I feel guilty. (It is working!)
My feelings are complex. I am glad she feels
Connected to me. I don't know how long that will last.
But, I have responsibilities too.
Too many "buts" in this life.
And now Anna immitates her sister...
Two "Clingons" have arrived. Help!
******************* 27 October updates *****************
The twins turned 18 (months) two days ago. They had their
18-month checkup with the pediatrician today.
Anna: Height of 31 5/8 inches; weight of 22 lbs. (approx. the
35th percentile.
Karen: Height of 31 3/4 inches; weight of 22 lbs 14 oz
40th percentile.
It feels like they weigh much more! Maybe I am getting too
old to lift them all the time....
The girls, especially Karen, are becoming quite talkative.
Most of the vocalizations are nonsense. Sometimes they are
a bit tiresome, as when they have a screaming contest (to see
who can scream loudest and highest). Why? Who knows? They enjoy
doing it!!
Karen can say things like "cack-a" for cracker and both girls can
say "dad-ee" and "mom-mam" (sometimes: "mom-mom-mom..."). "Balll"
used to be Karen's favorite word, now it is "da-da" (which means
'I want that!').
Neither one sleeps well at night. It may be the stuffy noses
they have had for the past month. Today we started antibiotics,
since the problem had not changed in weeks. If they sleep, maybe
we can all sleep....
They don't like to nap. So, they get about 8-10 hrs sleep
each day. That is far less than the 12+ hrs for most kids their
age. I think we could do better by scheduling time for them
in an area without much to stimulate them. Otherwise, they bug
each other, and thereby stay awake until exhausted.
Where are the pictures?!? I have still been taking many pictures, it is just an issue of the time needed to scan them and then post them. It is on my list of things to do....
******************* 11 September updates *****************
Happy birthday to Judith today!
I am taking my lunch hour to add a few more images and some
information about "the girls." We have finally been able to
get Mommy & the girls out of the house ....
Speaking of speaking... we find ourselves saying the oddest things.
Here are some illustrations:
Here are some (thumbnail) pictures:
A picnic at the (Marin County) Rouge et Noir French Cheese
******************* 10 August updates *****************
I've been very busy with farm and UCD chores, so I am
only now getting some pictures from June and July posted below.
These are thumbnails. Click on the small pictures to get
larger ones, much larger in some cases.
But we especially enjoy our sucking on string ...
We enjoy when mommy and daddy read us a book, though
mostly we just love to grab at the book ... and put it
in our mouths...
We love engineering projects, such as breaking down
our crib...
We love playing on the floor." Anna likes mirrors and
Karen, well, likes (?) poking her own eye...
Anna likes to look at herself very close in the mirror...
While Karen is endlessly fascinated by her "belly button!"
Anna likes to imitate the grown ups. She likes trying on
various shoes that she finds, such as Jane's sandals...
The vocalizations have recently changed, too. Both are making sounds
that are more like actual words. Frequent vowel sounds occur as
well. Can real words be arriving soon?
They understand many of our words. We have been teaching them
a few signs, as well. For many months I have used a sign for
"look at a book" which Anna immitates in a funny variation. (I hold
my palms together then open them, palms up, the way a book opens.
Anna can't rotate her arms that well, so she holds her palms up
and open and closes her fists.) Judith took them to a research
lab on campus where they tried to teach them signs for "mouse"
"flower" and "more". Of these, "more" has been useful, especially
when serving them food.
The girls had their 15 month appointment 2 weeks ago, and
the data is:
******************** 7 July updates ***********
And now, a few words from Karen:
Hi! My da-da said I could include some words on the web page with my
And now, a few words from Anna:
Hi! My da-da said I could include some words on the web page with my
******************** 21 May updates ***********
Here's a switch, how about more pictures and fewer
O.K. How about some quick small pictures from the
recent birthday party. (These are not thumbnails, sorry,
problem with the scanner settings.)
Pictures of Anna mainly: Group pictures: **** below are some pictures from the first year, duplicated here.
Pictures of Karen from the past few months:
Pictures of Anna from the past few months:
***************** "old stuff" ********************
What does "primigravida" mean? (first-time mother)
That's all for now! Thanks for stopping by....
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********************* end of 27 August update *************
25 April 1997
Return to my homepage
Return to UCD Atmospheric Science
home page.
In the past week they both have begun to use real words in the
correct way. These words include: da-da, momma, ball, bird, and HI!
They have also been using a number of signs for book, flower, and
especially MORE! Actually, they generalized the meaning to be I WANT...!
They use the I WANT ____ (the thing I am thinking of dad)! sign a lot!
And when you can't figure out what is wanted, they make the
gesture more vigorously! They also use the gesture for things you
don't want them to have ... like plastic bags, etc.
"No, I don't want oatmeal and butter rubbed in my hair."
"Leave mommy's glasses on.."
"Karen, please get your finger out of Anna's nose."
"Anna! leave your diaper on!"
"No thank you, daddy doesn't want your pacifier..."
(spoken while the object is rammed into your face)
A visit to the Yolo County Fair (feeding the goats in the petting
Karen =>
Anna =>
The big news is that Karen is now walking!
It has been a long and
gradual development, but she can take a few steps, regain her
balance, take a few more steps. She still relies on nearby objects,
which sometimes includes her sister, pulling them both down! And,
when she's in a hurry she crawls, very fast.
Anna: 20 lbs 5 oz, and 30 7/8 inches
Karen: 21 lbs 6 oz, and 31 inches.
Karen's weight is slightly below the norm, while Anna's is
well below the norm (25%). The heights are close to the norm.
The pediatrician is not worried about Anna's weight since she
is so active, constantly moving. Lately, we have been calling
her "Road runner" as a pet name. (We call Karen "Snookie"
from the sound of her intense pacifier use.)
I can understand many more words than I can say. When I talk, my
mommy says
that I speak like a Star Trek Klingon. My favorite words are DA! and
doi-doi-doi! I also have
a super cute giggle, and, when I want attention, I have a very loud
A favorite game is to hold a blanket over my head; da-da always says
"Where's Karen?"; then
I pull it off and da-da says "Peek-a-boo!". I always find that wildly funny.
My favorite activity is blanket diving: I crawl over to a blanket,
then dive head-first
into it and roll around, often wrapping the blanket around me. Another
favorite thing
is to pull the hairs on da-da's legs and arms, especially while he is
trying to eat. Da-da is
always stacking things; but I make sure nothing stays stacked.
So, I knock over the stack, or toss the items behind me. I also
like to chew or suck on
any shoelace, string, or similarly-shaped object I can find. While
everything goes in my
mouth (including wooden armrests on furniture) I really like stringy objects.
Twice a week we go to a place where I get to play with other toys,
sometimes with
other children. Mommy calls it my therapy session. There is always
someone poking me
or making me stand and do stuff. Anna is lucky, noone bugs her at the
Last time, mommy brought home a cart for me to push while standing up.
I don't get it. Why does everyone want me to stand up? They keep wanting
me to do that walking thing...
that takes too much work! But... I really do like pushing that cart,
especially since mommy and da-da get so excited when I do it.
I love to eat in the high chair. But mommy and da-da always rush
me. I like to play a bit before I eat: drop things over the edge,
turn the sip cup upside down (recently I learned to shake it upside
down, boy, does that make a mess!)
Speaking of Anna, she is my best friend but she also bugs me. She
always hogs
mommy when she nurses, and she pulls on my hair and feet when I nurse.
Bye for now! Karen.
I can understand many more words than I can say. My da-da must be
really dumb.
He is always saying things like "Where is the big green ball?" . So, I
have to point to it
for him. Sometimes I go and bring it over to him. He gets real excited
about this, he must
be nuts. I have a giggle-bellow when I laugh, and, when I want attention,
I have a very loud
cranky-cry which is often punctuated with bursts of other loud sounds.
My favorite activity is walking: I walk constantly, da-da calls me a
perpetual motion
machine. I have a big room I can walk around in, but they keep these
gates closed at each end.
Why won't they let me walk outside? When Beth and Shelley come over, then
we get to
go up and down stairs, walk down to the barn (and see the sheep), and
other fun things.
Another favorite thing is to stare in a mirror. I usually hold it
up against my nose. Did you know that walking with a mirror held
up to your face is kinda hard? I also like
to pull the hairs on da-da's legs and arms, especially while he is
trying to eat; pulling off mommy's glasses and pulling her hair
from behind is also loads of fun.
Twice a week we go to a place where I get to play with other toys,
sometimes with
other children. Mommy calls it Karen's therapy session. While someone
pokes her I get to do all kinds of mischief by myself.
Last time, mommy brought home a cart to push while standing up, like all
the toys here, it must be for me, though they always want
Karen to play with it.
I love it when its time to eat in the high chair. Then I get to
make a big mess. I like to drop things over the edge when I'm done:
sip cup, bowls, crackers, anything... even when I'm not done. I
used to get cow's milk, but it makes my tummy ache.
Speaking of Karen, she is my best friend but she also bugs me. She
always hogs mommy when she nurses, and she pulls on my hair and
feet when I nurse.
See ya later! Anna
Basically, I'm trying to complete this whole revision
in less than half an hour (and it is not going well!).
Pictures of Karen mainly:
Below are thumbnails of the kids during their first week.
Click on each thumbnail to get a larger image.
Karen (L) and Anna (R) with Mom's right hand. (Min's blanket)