Review: Chapter 8
Page Last modified: 6 December 2000
- Section 1: Sutcliffe's development eqn
- eqn (8.7)
- associate surface convergence with development
- obtain 3 forcing terms:
- advection of sfc vort. by thermal wind. Important indicator
that sfc cyclone moves parallel to the thickness contours
- advection of thermal vort by thermal wind. This looks a lot
like the development term in the BEBVE. It does same thing here.
- "beta" term -- this term bogus. Planetary rotation cannot
cause growth of a cyclone.
- Section 2: Petterssen's development equation
- eqn (8.10)
- improves upon Sutcliffe's
- the beta term not present
- includes diabatic heating: where there is heating, P falls.
- Section 3: Trenberth's approximation
- the 2 forcing terms in "Omega" eqn can be expressed in terms
of geopotential. So, try to combine them
- goal is to remove ambiguity of sign of omega when T advection
and Vort advection oppose each other.
- approximate form:
( - Omega) ~ (advection of 700 mb level absolute vort.
by thermal wind from 1000/500 mb thickness)
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