Review: Simple Model for Omega
Page Last modified: 23 November 1998
- Simplify Omega eqn by:
- assume sinusoidal variation in x, y, and P
- use same wavelength L in x and y directions
- Notes:
- sinusoidal P variation consistent with bowstring model
- for shorter wavelengths (= larger wavenumber k) the Laplacian terms
would have more weight.
- want to separate contribution for the size of the solenoid from
the size of the coefficient in each term:
- use the n's to measure the size of the solenoids.
- Each n is
the number of unit-sized solenoids that fit within the solenoid observed.
- small n means the solenoid has small area
- smaller n means the advection would be larger
- use the C's to measure the coefficients. These are functions
of L (and hence of k).
- Terms not equally weighted: (consult Table 4.1)
- for small wavelength (~ 2000 km = L):
thickness advection has much larger coefficient.
So for given size solenoids thickness advection stronger
- for middle-size wavelength (~ 4000 km = L):
the two coefficients are comparable.
- for large wavelength (~ 6000 km = L):
differential vorticity advection has much larger coefficient.
- Note: the relative weighting changes in a similar sense for
the surface pressure tendency (right side of Table 4.1). However,
vorticity advection has a stronger effect in general (e.g. for
the middle-size waves).
- How might you use this information?
- might expect T advection to be more important influence
on vertical motion (and surface P changes) when looking at a short
- T advection not important for planetary waves: vorticity
advection more important for vertical motion (and surface P changes).
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