Review: Relative Isentropic Flow
in a WCB (Chap. 12.3)
Page Last modified: 9 December 1998
- Purpose: to illustrate how following the motion on constant
surfaces of
W explains
cloud patterns, precipitation, and other features that may be
hard to deduce from a conventional isobaric analysis.
- The different examples illustrate
somewhat different aspects of motion for cloud bands
formed in relatively warmer air.
- First example: a cloud band, such as the "cloud leaf"
stage (fig. 12.7a)
- from thermal wind relation, jet tends to lie above a strong
horizontal T gradient. Such a gradient would form at the
boundary between 2 distinctly different airmasses.
- sharp cloud edge near axis of the max upper level winds
- air in the cloud band has a subtropical or tropical
- clear air to the west has a polar origin.
- Note: long thin arrows are streamlines: trajectories would not
necessarily cross the cloud bands because
- the whole band is
also moving towards the east.
- these are geostrophic streamlines, not actual trajectories
based on the total wind
- there are sinking and rising motions not included in the
streamlines shown.
- cloud band called a "warm conveyor belt" (WCB)
- sharp edge to the cloud lines up well with a "limiting
streamline" (LSW) for the WCB.
- Second example: fig. 12.7b is similar to figure 12.7a
except that the cloud band has an west-east orientation.
Such bands are common in the North Pacific and often
provide an indicator of a jet streak on a satellite image.
- Third example: fig. 12.8
- WCB with poleward then eastward streamlines
- dashed contours (
and even more so (
indicate that parcels moving through the WCB must rise considerably.
(In going from point A, near New Orleans, to B, to C; a parcel
goes from the lower to the upper troposphere.)
- note how clouds seen in this visible image become more
glaciated (appear fuzzy due to composition as ice crystals) the
further north on the cloud band.
- Fourth example: fig. 12.9
- compares conventional analysis (fig. 12.9a) with isentropic
views (esp. 12.9b).
- where there is strong T advection, there is likely to be
the biggest differences in the analysis. (Isentropic depiction
will follow the vertical motion implied by T advection,
isobaric depiction will not.)
- fig. 12.9c: relatively sharp cloud edge matches LSW well.
- fig. 12.9e: shows
- layer of high humidity air rising dramatically as head N
(hatched). This is WCB.
- gradient in
below and N of WCB suggests transition to colder, drier air mass
- arrows cross
consistent with latent heating, though
W is conserved.
W increases
with height at most stations (not south end) indicates
air is potentially stable.
- fig. 12.9d shows how you might spot this on a single
sounding (Pittsburg).
- Fifth example: fig. 12.10 (emphasize 12.10c)
- fig 12.10c shows a cross section perpendicular to the WCB
surfaces bend up
and over the cold air
- tropopause is lowered ("x" symbols) where the upper
trough is located
- strong contrast in RH (dashed contours) reveals air
masses of contrasting properties
- Sixth example, fig. 12.12:
- precipitation present far away from location of
the surface front (fig 12.12a).
However, since the 500 mb winds strongest further
north (fig. 12.12b big arrow), the T gradient at 700 mb (say) may be
strongest well north of the surface front. So, there might
be some midlevel WAA that might not be easily
deduced from a conventional SLP and h map. I mention this
analysis must still apply, the WAA might not be obvious.
- there is a broad region of PVA over much of the Great
Lakes and extending to the east coast (fig. 12.12b).
- however, the precipitation has a well defined western
edge over Ohio and Kentucky.
- relative wind analysis explains these features, specifically
the sharp edge of the precipitation contained within the
region of PVA. The edge lies on another LSW (fig. 12.12c).
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