Page Last modified: 28 January 2019
Compare and contrast heat wave versus strong delta breeze over California
************ some things are not yet updated below **********
Only general ideas since 2007
Below was skipped since 2007
Electronic copy of no-color.jpg showing black contours of 500 hPa geopotential height.
electronic copy of reduced color.jpg showing thickness (black contours) and SLP (colored contours).
Electronic copy of the assignment .
Electronic copy of the assignment .
Ignore old assignments listed below
Ignore old assignments listed below
***** prior year assignments below ****
Electronic copy of
Electronic copy of all assignments. Next lecture or lab assignment
should be handed out
the day that the previous lecture or lab assignment, respectively, is due.
(pdf file)
Electronic .doc file of the same assignments.
Here is A simplified guide to creating the .gif animation from the input list of .gif files using Animation Shop.
Here are: the 1999, 2000, & 2002 student animations
2017 floods
Do you have any questions about frontal cyclones
(Yes, that is a "real" satellite image.)
Then we encourage you to contact:
Instructor: Prof. R. Grotjahn
Teaching assistant:
What is wrong with
this picture? (Hint: look at the front type...)
Overlay of SatIR and 500 hPa.
Corresponding SatIR and SLP.
Midterm from 2007 (.pdf file)coming soon